Ribe Kunstmuseum

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Ribe Kunstmuseum

Sct Nicolaj Gade 10 - 6760 Ribe

I wanted to immerse myself in a proper Danish working context, and a place like Ribe Kunstmuseum, which is located in the oldest town of Denmark and houses a unique collection of Danish Art from 1750 to 1950, was a great opportunity for me to learn more about the Danish culture and tradition.

Due to my background as an Art Historian, I decided to choose a museum for my internship as a student in Multimedia Design & Communication at the Business Academy (Erhvervsakademi Sydvest) in Esbjerg.

Based on our previous agreement, the Museum Director Dagmar Warming and I fixed two main tasks, I had to work on during my internship:

I. Promoting the current exhibition “Jacob A.Riis. The Light in Dark Places” - 21 January-14 May 2017 - in the Esbjerg area. On the occasion of the same exhibition, elaborating Audience Research and trying to find a focused communication strategy, in order to increase the visibility of the museum.

II. Creating advertisement, a dedicated section of the website and several visual products with texts in Italian for the museum’s permanent collection and the upcoming temporary exhibitions, in order to attract the many Italian tourists who are visiting Ribe and surroundings during the summertime.

Achieved goals:

  • Participating in official situations with several resources engaged in the promotion of the territory, has been a possibility of learning something about the particular surroundings.
  • Observing the visitors’ behaviour as well as making research around the museum’s target groups, gave me the basis for considering alternative channels and communication strategies.
  • I provided the museum with various inputs and suggestions on new opportunities and strategies for the future, as well as I created visual products and contents to be used concretely.

The project ended with an exam at the Business Academy, where I scored 12 (top marks).

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